Wednesday, July 13, 2011

World's Largest Snake

Fluffy, a reticulated (refers to markings) python, was over 24 feet long, 300 pounds, and 15 years old. Fluffy's waist was the size of a watermelon. Fluffy was a sweet snake with a wonderful disposition.

Fluffy died on October, 26, 2010. This may be the nearest anyone could come to seeing a real dinosaur for Fluffy was dinosaur-sized. She was also very primitive, for as a python she even had a vestigial pelvis and hind limbs, which were remnants of its lizard ancestry, and could be externally viewed.

The longest python not in captivity according to Guinness World Records 2005, was a reticulated python, which was 32 ft. 9.5 in. It was killed in Celebes, Indonesia, in 1912.

(Sources: Guinness World Records 2005, and,,

Page presented by Patricia Ladensack

1 comment:

  1. My favorite uncle had a 6 foot boa constrictor named Cuddles when I was younger. It was dwarfed by this record holder but looked huge to me. It seems like his triangular head was the size of a mouse pad. His boa was big and scary looking to some but I always found him gentle and interesting. We used to enjoy wearing the snake, letting it crawl around and do it's thing (mostly slithering its tongue outward, rapidly, as a means of sensing the environment).
